The truth of the matter is I bit off more than I could chew. In an effort to basically relive our past Walt Disney World visits, I tried to document (in excruciatingly precise detail) each and every day of our most recent trips. Ouch. Doing this made was an incredible chore, which is pretty obvious based on the fact that I basically didn't post anymore one week after I started. Wow. What a quitter.
But anyway, here I am again. And here we go again...
We have booked a trip to Walt Disney World starting on April 29th 2016 through May 7th 2016. This will be the longest trip we've ever taken to Disney (even if it's only by one day). We will be staying in two standard adjacent standard pool rooms at Pop Century Resort, which means our room will either be facing the bowling pin pool or the computer pool. Either way, I'm happy.
This time, we considered getting a family suite at either Art of Animation or All-Star Music but, as it turns out, it was actually cheaper to go with two rooms at Pop Century.
Anyway, we've made the plunge and booked the trip. Now all we have to do is figure out what parks we're going to and when. We'll also need to decide if we're going to add an extra day at the parks because, as of right now, we have a 5 day magic your way ticket. To add the sixth day would cost roughly $60. I know, that's ridiculous. But, I don't want us to feel obligated to hit the parks every single day we're there. Those chill days are totally worth. So, I have no idea if I'm going to really keep this blog up to date but, I think I'd like to--especially once we're actually in Disney. I really enjoy going back and reading old blog posts from our other trips. There's so many details that I just would not remember were it not for writing some of it down.
Well, time to go. I should have spent this time working on schoolwork but, I'll make sure I do that this weekend. For now: 64 days to Disney!

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